An output pane is displayed by default in the bottom part of the frame window. In the present version of NAS-1Step, the output pane only contains the Errors and Warnings window. The Error and Warnings window is used to display all the severe error messages, recoverable error messages, and warning messages generated during the most recent encode or decode operation performed by the application on the message that is displayed.
The NAS-1Step application invokes an encode and decode operation at various stages as a message is being opened and edited. Broadly speaking, an encoded message file is decoded when it is opened into the message viewer/editor, and then it is re-encoded and re-decoded several times while it is being edited. Therefore, when you open an encoded message file that contains malformed data or other unexpected conditions, you will see a list of error and warning messages displayed in the Errors and Warnings window. If a severe error occurred during the decoding of the message, editing will be disabled for this message. Otherwise, you can edit the message. When you start editing the message, all the error and warning messages that appeared initially in the Errors and Warnings window will usually disappear because the message will be automatically repaired as it is re-encoded.
When you click on a row in the Errors and Warnings window, the component affected by the error or warning condition described in that row will be selected in all the message viewer/editor windows that show the message in question. If the component affected by the error or warning is currently not visible, the application will bring it into view by scrolling the message viewer/editor window and by expanding all the ancestors of the component as necessary.
This documentation applies to NAS-1Step for 5G v8.3.1-8.3.4 for 3GPP Release 16.8.0.
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