▼NOss | |
►NNas | |
CBitString | The class provides functionality for the ASN.1 BIT STRING type. BitString can be converted to System.Collections.BitArray using the ToBitArray() method. BitString supports iteration through boolean values using the foreach construction |
►CDiagnostics | Represents a list of defects that were detected by the encoder or decoder in a NAS message |
CEntry | Represents an entry in a diagnostic report |
CFormattingOptions | Defines common formatting options. These options are used when the binary data or C# object that represents a NAS message is converted to JSON, XML, or ASN.1 value notation format |
CJSONOptions | Defines JSON formatting options. These additional options are used when the binary data or the C# object that represents a NAS message is converted to a JSON value |
CNasCodecBase | Implements encoding, decoding, and printing of NAS messages. NasCodec can
Print a binary NAS message in JSON, XML, or ASN.1 value notation format.
Decode a binary NAS message into a C# object.
Encode a C# object that represents a NAS message into binary octets.
Print a C# object that represents a NAS message in JSON, XML, or ASN.1 value notation format.
CNASDecodeFailedException | Represents an error that occurred while decoding a NAS message |
CNASEncodeFailedException | Represents an error that occurred while encoding a NAS message |
CNASException | NASException is the base class for the exceptions that are used to report errors during processing of NAS messages |
CNasPdu | A marker interface that is used to identify the top level NAS message |
CReason | Defines the error codes reported by the NAS/C# API. This class permits only a restricted set of instances at run time so its values can be compared using the == or != operator rather than Equals() |
CTextOptions | Defines ASN.1 value notation formatting options. These additional options are used when the binary data or the C# object that represents a NAS message is converted to ASN.1 value notation format |
CXMLOptions | Defines XML formatting options. These additional options are used when the binary data or the C# object that represents a NAS message is converted to an XML document |
►NNas5GS1680 | |
►CAccessType1 | Represents the AccessType1 type |
CAccessTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the accessType field |
►CAccessTypeContainer | Represents the AccessType type |
CAccessTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the accessType field |
►CAdditional5GSecurityInformation | Represents the Additional5GSecurityInformation type |
CHdpNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the hdp field |
CRinmrNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the rinmr field |
►CAdditionalConfigurationIndication | Represents the AdditionalConfigurationIndication type |
CScmrNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the scmr field |
►CAdditionalHeaderCompressionContextSetupParameters | Represents the AdditionalHeaderCompressionContextSetupParameters type |
CTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the type field |
►CAdditionalInformationRequested | Represents the AdditionalInformationRequested type |
CCipherKeyNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the cipherKey field |
CAllowedPDUSessionStatus | Represents the AllowedPDUSessionStatus type |
►CAllowedSSCMode | Represents the AllowedSSCMode type |
CSsc1Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ssc1 field |
CSsc2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ssc2 field |
CSsc3Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ssc3 field |
CAllowedType | Represents the AllowedType type |
►CAlwaysOnPDUSessionIndication | Represents the AlwaysOnPDUSessionIndication type |
CApsiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apsi field |
►CAlwaysOnPDUSessionRequested | Represents the AlwaysOnPDUSessionRequested type |
CApsrNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apsr field |
►CAPNAggregateMaximumBitRate | Represents the APNAggregateMaximumBitRate type |
CApnAMBRForDownlinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apnAMBRForDownlink field |
CApnAMBRForUplinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apnAMBRForUplink field |
►CExtContainer | Represents the type of the ext field |
CApnAMBRForDownlinkExtendedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apnAMBRForDownlinkExtended field |
CApnAMBRForUplinkExtendedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apnAMBRForUplinkExtended field |
►CExtType | Represents the type of the ext field |
CApnAMBRForDownlinkExtended2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apnAMBRForDownlinkExtended2 field |
CApnAMBRForUplinkExtended2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the apnAMBRForUplinkExtended2 field |
►CAPNAMBRParameter | Represents the APNAMBRParameter type |
CEpsParameterContentsType | Represents the type of the epsParameterContents field |
CEpsParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the epsParameterIdentifier field |
CAppId | Represents the AppId type |
CAuthenticationFailure | Represents the AuthenticationFailure type |
CAuthenticationReject | Represents the AuthenticationReject type |
CAuthenticationRequest | Represents the AuthenticationRequest type |
CAuthenticationResponse | Represents the AuthenticationResponse type |
CAuthenticationResult | Represents the AuthenticationResult type |
CAveragingWindow | Represents the AveragingWindow type |
►CAveragingWindowParameter | Represents the AveragingWindowParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
►CCAGInformation | Represents the CAGInformation type |
CCagIDType | Represents the type of the cagID field |
CCAGInformationEntry | Represents the CAGInformationEntry type |
CCAGInformationList | Represents the CAGInformationList type |
CCIoTPDUSessionIdentity | Represents the CIoTPDUSessionIdentity type |
CCIoTSmallDataContainer | Represents the CIoTSmallDataContainer type |
CCipheringDataSet | Represents the CipheringDataSet type |
CCipheringKeyData | Represents the CipheringKeyData type |
CConfigurationUpdateCommand | Represents the ConfigurationUpdateCommand type |
►CConfigurationUpdateIndication | Represents the ConfigurationUpdateIndication type |
CAckNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ack field |
CRedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the red field |
►CConnectionCapabilities | Represents the ConnectionCapabilities type The ConnectionCapabilities.Element class defines meaningful names for particular values of the element of the SEQUENCE OF |
CElement | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the element of the SEQUENCE OF |
►CContainerEntryDL | Represents the ContainerEntryDL type |
COptionalIEsType | Represents the type of the optionalIEs field |
CPayloadContainerBody | Represents the type of the payloadContainer field |
►CContainerEntryUL | Represents the ContainerEntryUL type |
COptionalIEsType | Represents the type of the optionalIEs field |
CPayloadContainerBody | Represents the type of the payloadContainer field |
CContainerTypeNW | Represents the ContainerTypeNW type |
CContainerTypeUE | Represents the ContainerTypeUE type |
►CControlPlaneOnlyIndication | Represents the ControlPlaneOnlyIndication type |
CCpoiValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the cpoiValue field |
CControlPlaneServiceRequest | Represents the ControlPlaneServiceRequest type |
►CControlPlaneServiceType | Represents the ControlPlaneServiceType type |
CServiceTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the serviceType field |
►CControlPlaneUserData | Represents the ControlPlaneUserData type |
CDataTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the dataType field |
CCPSRPayloadContainerType | Represents the CPSRPayloadContainerType type |
CCreateNewEPSBearerContextParameters | Represents the CreateNewEPSBearerContext-parameters type |
►CCreateNewQoSFlowDescriptionParameters | Represents the CreateNewQoSFlowDescription-parameters type |
CEBitNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the eBit field |
►CCriteria | Represents the Criteria type |
CComponentType | Represents the type of the component field |
►CCriteriaComponent | Represents the CriteriaComponent type |
CCriteriaTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the criteriaType field |
CCriteriaValueType | Represents the type of the criteriaValue field |
►CDaylightSavingTimeContainer | Represents the DaylightSavingTime type |
CDaylightSavingTimeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the daylightSavingTime field |
CDDX | Represents the DDX type |
CDeleteExistingEPSBearerContextParameters | Represents the DeleteExistingEPSBearerContext-parameters type |
►CDeleteExistingQoSFlowDescriptionParameters | Represents the DeleteExistingQoSFlowDescription-parameters type |
CEBitNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the eBit field |
CDeRegistrationRequestUEOriginating | Represents the DeRegistrationRequestUEOriginating type |
CDeRegistrationRequestUETerminated | Represents the DeRegistrationRequestUETerminated type |
►CDeRegistrationType | Represents the DeRegistrationType type |
CAccessTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the accessType field |
CReRegistrationRequiredContainer | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the reRegistrationRequired field |
CSwitchOffContainer | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the switchOff field |
►CDLNASTransport | Represents the DLNASTransport type |
CPayloadContainerBody | Represents the type of the payloadContainer field |
CDNNType | Represents the DNNType type |
CDNNValue | Represents the DNNValue type |
►CEmergencyNumber | Represents the EmergencyNumber type |
►CNumberType | Represents the type of the number field |
CEmergencyServiceCategoryType | Represents the type of the emergencyServiceCategory field |
CEmergencyNumberList | Represents the EmergencyNumberList type |
CEPSBearerContextStatus | Represents the EPSBearerContextStatus type |
CEPSBearerIdentity | Represents the EPSBearerIdentity type |
CEPSBearerIdentityOctet | Represents the EPSBearerIdentityOctet type |
►CEPSBearerIdentityParameter | Represents the EPSBearerIdentityParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
CEPSCipheringAlgorithm | Represents the EPSCipheringAlgorithm type |
CEPSEncryptionAlgorithmsSupported | Represents the EPSEncryptionAlgorithmsSupported type |
CEPSIntegrityAlgorithmsSupported | Represents the EPSIntegrityAlgorithmsSupported type |
CEPSIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm | Represents the EPSIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm type |
CEPSNASSecurityAlgorithms | Represents the EPSNASSecurityAlgorithms type |
CEPSParameters | Represents the EPSParameters type |
CEPSParametersList | Represents the EPSParametersList type |
►CEPSQualityOfService | Represents the EPSQualityOfService type |
►CBitratesType | Represents the type of the bitrates field |
►CExtContainer | Represents the type of the ext field |
►CExtType | Represents the type of the ext field |
CGuaranteedBitRateForDownlinkExtended2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the guaranteedBitRateForDownlinkExtended2 field |
CGuaranteedBitRateForUplinkExtended2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the guaranteedBitRateForUplinkExtended2 field |
CMaximumBitRateForDownlinkExtended2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maximumBitRateForDownlinkExtended2 field |
CMaximumBitRateForUplinkExtended2Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maximumBitRateForUplinkExtended2 field |
CGuaranteedBitRateForDownlinkExtendedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the guaranteedBitRateForDownlinkExtended field |
CGuaranteedBitRateForUplinkExtendedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the guaranteedBitRateForUplinkExtended field |
CMaximumBitRateForDownlinkExtendedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maximumBitRateForDownlinkExtended field |
CMaximumBitRateForUplinkExtendedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maximumBitRateForUplinkExtended field |
CGuaranteedBitRateForDownlinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the guaranteedBitRateForDownlink field |
CGuaranteedBitRateForUplinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the guaranteedBitRateForUplink field |
CMaximumBitRateForDownlinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maximumBitRateForDownlink field |
CMaximumBitRateForUplinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maximumBitRateForUplink field |
CEPSUnknownParameter | Represents the EPSUnknownParameter type |
►CEthernetHeaderCompressionConfiguration | Represents the EthernetHeaderCompressionConfiguration type |
CCidLengthNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the cidLength field |
CEUTRA | Represents the E-UTRA type |
CEUTRAPosSIB | Represents the EUTRAPosSIB type |
CEUTRAPosSIBFlags | Represents the EUTRAPosSIBFlags type |
CExtendedAPNAggregateMaximumBitRate | Represents the ExtendedAPNAggregateMaximumBitRate type |
►CExtendedAPNAMBRParameter | Represents the ExtendedAPNAMBRParameter type |
CEpsParameterContentsType | Represents the type of the epsParameterContents field |
CEpsParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the epsParameterIdentifier field |
CExtendedDRXParameters | Represents the ExtendedDRXParameters type |
►CExtendedEmergencyNumber | Represents the ExtendedEmergencyNumber type |
CNumberType | Represents the type of the number field |
CExtendedEmergencyNumberList | Represents the ExtendedEmergencyNumberList type |
►CExtendedEmergencyNumberListIE | Represents the ExtendedEmergencyNumberListIE type |
CEenlvNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the eenlv field |
►CExtendedProtocolConfigurationOptionsNW | Represents the ExtendedProtocolConfigurationOptionsNW type |
CConfigurationProtocolNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the configurationProtocol field |
►CExtendedProtocolConfigurationOptionsUE | Represents the ExtendedProtocolConfigurationOptionsUE type |
CConfigurationProtocolNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the configurationProtocol field |
CExtendedProtocolDiscriminator | Represents the ExtendedProtocolDiscriminator type |
CExtendedQualityOfService | Represents the ExtendedQualityOfService type |
►CGFBRDownlinkParameter | Represents the GFBRDownlinkParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
CGFBRUplink | Represents the GFBRUplink type |
►CGFBRUplinkParameter | Represents the GFBRUplinkParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
CGFBRUplinkUnit | Represents the GFBRUplinkUnit type |
CGlobalRAN | Represents the GlobalRAN type |
CGPRSEncryptionAlgorithmSupported | Represents the GPRSEncryptionAlgorithmSupported type |
►CGPRSTimer | Represents the GPRSTimer type |
CUnitNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the unit field |
►CGPRSTimer3 | Represents the GPRSTimer3 type |
CUnitNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the unit field |
CIdentityRequest | Represents the IdentityRequest type |
CIdentityResponse | Represents the IdentityResponse type |
►CIMEISVRequest | Represents the IMEISVRequest type |
CImeisvRequestValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the imeisvRequestValue field |
►CIntegrityProtectionMaximumDataRate | Represents the IntegrityProtectionMaximumDataRate type |
CMaxDataRateForDownlinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maxDataRateForDownlink field |
CMaxDataRateForUplinkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the maxDataRateForUplink field |
CIP3Tuple | Represents the IP3Tuple type |
CIPHeaderCompressionConfiguration | Represents the IPHeaderCompressionConfiguration type |
CIPv6RemoteAddressPrefixLength | Represents the IPv6RemoteAddress-prefixLength type |
CLADN | Represents the LADN type |
CLADNIndication | Represents the LADNIndication type |
CLADNInformation | Represents the LADNInformation type |
►CLocationArea | Represents the LocationArea type |
CContentsType | Represents the type of the contents field |
CTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the type field |
CLocationAreaList | Represents the LocationAreaList type |
CLocationCriteria | Represents the LocationCriteria type |
►CLocationServicesMessageContainer | Represents the LocationServicesMessageContainer type |
CDataTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the dataType field |
CManageUEPolicyCommand | Represents the ManageUEPolicyCommand type |
CManageUEPolicyCommandReject | Represents the ManageUEPolicyCommandReject type |
CManageUEPolicyComplete | Represents the ManageUEPolicyComplete type |
►CMAPDUSessionInformation | Represents the MAPDUSessionInformation type |
CMpsiValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the mpsiValue field |
►CMAPDUSessionInformation8 | Represents the MAPDUSessionInformation8 type |
CMpsiValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the mpsiValue field |
►CMappedEPSBearerContext | Represents the MappedEPSBearerContext type |
►CContextType | Represents the type of the context field |
CEpsParametersType | Represents the type of the epsParameters field |
COperationCodeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the operationCode field |
CMappedEPSBearerContexts | Represents the MappedEPSBearerContexts type |
►CMappedEPSQoSParameter | Represents the MappedEPSQoSParameter type |
CEpsParameterContentsType | Represents the type of the epsParameterContents field |
CEpsParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the epsParameterIdentifier field |
►CMappedExtendedEPSQoSParameter | Represents the MappedExtendedEPSQoSParameter type |
CEpsParameterContentsType | Represents the type of the epsParameterContents field |
CEpsParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the epsParameterIdentifier field |
CMappedNSSAI | Represents the MappedNSSAI type |
CMappedSNSSAIContent | Represents the MappedSNSSAIContent type |
CMappedSNSSAIContentEntry | Represents the MappedSNSSAIContentEntry type |
CMaximumNumberOfSupportedPacketFilters | Represents the MaximumNumberOfSupportedPacketFilters type |
CMCCMNC | Represents the MCCMNC type |
►CMFBRDownlinkParameter | Represents the MFBRDownlinkParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
►CMFBRUplinkParameter | Represents the MFBRUplinkParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
►CMICOIndication | Represents the MICOIndication type |
CRaaiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the raai field |
CSprtiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sprti field |
►CMICOIndicationNoRAAI | Represents the MICOIndicationNoRAAI type |
CSprtiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sprti field |
►CMobileIdentity5GSGUTI | Represents the MobileIdentity5GSGUTI type |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentity5GSTMSI | Represents the MobileIdentity5GSTMSI type |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentityEUI64 | Represents the MobileIdentityEUI64 type |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentityIMEI | Represents the MobileIdentityIMEI type |
COddEvenIndicatorNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the oddEvenIndicator field |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentityIMEISV | Represents the MobileIdentityIMEISV type |
COddEvenIndicatorNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the oddEvenIndicator field |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentityMACAddress | Represents the MobileIdentityMACAddress type |
CMauriNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the mauri field |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentityNoIdentity | Represents the MobileIdentityNoIdentity type |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileIdentitySUCI | Represents the MobileIdentitySUCI type |
CSuciType | Represents the type of the suci field |
CSupiFormatNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the supiFormat field |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
►CMobileStationClassmark2 | Represents the MobileStationClassmark2 type |
CA51AlgorithmNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the a51Algorithm field |
CA52AlgorithmNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the a52Algorithm field |
CA53AlgorithmNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the a53Algorithm field |
CClassmark3Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the classmark3 field |
CCmServicePromptNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the cmServicePrompt field |
CEarlySendingNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the earlySending field |
CFrequencyCapabilityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the frequencyCapability field |
CLcsvaCapabilityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the lcsvaCapability field |
CPsCapabilityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the psCapability field |
CRevisionLevelNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the revisionLevel field |
CRfPowerCapabilityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the rfPowerCapability field |
CSmCapabilityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the smCapability field |
CSolsaNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the solsa field |
CSsScreeningIndicatorNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ssScreeningIndicator field |
CUcs2TreatmentNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ucs2Treatment field |
CVbsNotificationReceptionNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the vbsNotificationReception field |
CVgcsNotificationReceptionNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the vgcsNotificationReception field |
►CModifyExistingEPSBearerContextParameters | Represents the ModifyExistingEPSBearerContext-parameters type |
CEBitNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the eBit field |
►CModifyExistingQoSFlowDescriptionParameters | Represents the ModifyExistingQoSFlowDescription-parameters type |
CEBitNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the eBit field |
►CMultiplePayloadContainerContentsDL | Represents the MultiplePayloadContainerContentsDL type |
CMultiplePayloadContainerType | Represents the type of the multiplePayloadContainer field |
►CMultiplePayloadContainerContentsUL | Represents the MultiplePayloadContainerContentsUL type |
CMultiplePayloadContainerType | Represents the type of the multiplePayloadContainer field |
►CN5GCIndication | Represents the N5GCIndication type |
CN5GCREGNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the n5GCREG field |
►CNAS5GMMCapability | Represents the NAS5GMMCapability type |
CCagNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the cag field |
CHoAttachNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the hoAttach field |
CLppNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the lpp field |
CMultipleUPNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the multipleUP field |
CN3DataNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the n3Data field |
CNas5GCPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GCPCIoT field |
CNas5GEHCCPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GEHCCPCIoT field |
CNas5GIPHCCPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GIPHCCPCIoT field |
CNas5GLCSNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GLCS field |
CNas5GSRVCCNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GSRVCC field |
CNas5GUpCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GUpCIoT field |
CNssaNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nssa field |
CRacsNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the racs field |
CRestrictECNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the restrictEC field |
CS1ModeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the s1Mode field |
CSgcNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sgc field |
CV2xcEPC5Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the v2xcEPC5 field |
CV2xcNPC5Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the v2xcNPC5 field |
CV2xcNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the v2xc field |
CWusaNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the wusa field |
CNAS5GMMCause | Represents the NAS5GMMCause type |
CNAS5GMMMessage | Represents the NAS5GMMMessage type |
CNAS5GMMMessageType | Represents the NAS5GMMMessageType type |
CNAS5GMMStatus | Represents the NAS5GMMStatus type |
►CNAS5GSDRXParameters | Represents the NAS5GSDRXParameters type |
CDrxValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the drxValue field |
CNAS5GSEncryptionAlgorithmsSupported | Represents the NAS5GSEncryptionAlgorithmsSupported type |
►CNAS5GSIdentityType | Represents the NAS5GSIdentityType type |
CTypeOfIdentityNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIdentity field |
CNAS5GSIntegrityAlgorithmsSupported | Represents the NAS5GSIntegrityAlgorithmsSupported type |
►CNAS5GSMCapability | Represents the NAS5GSMCapability type |
CAtsssStNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the atsss-st field |
CEptS1Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ept-S1 field |
CMh6PduNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the mh6-pdu field |
CRqosNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the rqos field |
CTpmicNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the tpmic field |
CNAS5GSMCause | Represents the NAS5GSMCause type |
►CNas5GSMCongestionReattemptIndicator | Represents the Nas5GSMCongestionReattemptIndicator type |
CAboNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the abo field |
►CNAS5GSMMessage | Represents the NAS5GSMMessage type |
CMessageBodyType | Represents the type of the messageBody field |
CNAS5GSMMessageType | Represents the NAS5GSMMessageType type |
►CNAS5GSMNetworkFeatureSupport | Represents the NAS5GSMNetworkFeatureSupport type |
CEptS1Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ept-S1 field |
CNAS5GSMobileIdentity | Represents the NAS5GSMobileIdentity type |
CNAS5GSMStatus | Represents the NAS5GSMStatus type |
►CNAS5GSNetworkFeatureSupport | Represents the NAS5GSNetworkFeatureSupport type |
CEmcNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the emc field |
►CEmcwType | Represents the type of the emcw field |
CAtsIndNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the atsInd field |
CEmcn3Numbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the emcn3 field |
CMcsiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the mcsi field |
CN3DataNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the n3Data field |
CNas5GCPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GCPCIoT field |
CNas5GEHCCPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GEHCCPCIoT field |
CNas5GIPHCCPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GIPHCCPCIoT field |
CNas5GLCSNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GLCS field |
CNas5GUPCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GUPCIoT field |
CRestrictECNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the restrictEC field |
CEmfNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the emf field |
CImsVoPS3GPPNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the imsVoPS3GPP field |
CImsVoPSN3GPPNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the imsVoPSN3GPP field |
CIwkNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the iwk field |
CMpsiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the mpsi field |
►CNAS5GSRegistrationResult | Represents the NAS5GSRegistrationResult type |
CNas5GSRegistrationResultValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GSRegistrationResultValue field |
CNssaaPerformedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nssaaPerformed field |
CSmsAllowedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the smsAllowed field |
►CNAS5GSRegistrationType | Represents the NAS5GSRegistrationType type |
CForNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the for field |
CNas5GSRegistrationTypeValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GSRegistrationTypeValue field |
CNAS5GSTrackingAreaIdentity | Represents the NAS5GSTrackingAreaIdentity type |
CNAS5GSTrackingAreaIdentityList | Represents the NAS5GSTrackingAreaIdentityList type |
CNAS5GSTrackingAreaIdentityListE | Represents the NAS5GSTrackingAreaIdentityListE type |
►CNAS5GSUpdateType | Represents the NAS5GSUpdateType type |
CEpsPNBCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the epsPNBCIoT field |
CNas5GSPNBCIoTNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nas5GSPNBCIoT field |
CNgRANRCUNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ngRANRCU field |
CSmsRequestedNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the smsRequested field |
CNAS5QI | Represents the NAS5QI type |
►CNAS5QIParameter | Represents the NAS5QIParameter type |
CQosParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosParameterIdentifier field |
CNAS5QIValues | Represents the NAS5QIValues type |
CNasCodec | NasCodec can
Print a binary NASMessage message in JSON, XML, or ASN.1 value notation format.
Decode a binary NASMessage message into a C# object.
Encode a C# object that represents a NASMessage message into binary octets.
Print a C# object that represents a NASMessage message in JSON, XML, or ASN.1 value notation format.
►CNASKeySetIdentifierContainer | Represents the NASKeySetIdentifier type |
CNasKeySetIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nasKeySetIdentifier field |
CTscNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the tsc field |
CNASMessage | Represents the NASMessage type |
►CNASSecurityAlgorithms | Represents the NASSecurityAlgorithms type |
CTypeOfCipheringAlgorithmNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfCipheringAlgorithm field |
CTypeOfIntegrityProtectionAlgorithmNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm field |
►CNativeNASKeySetIdentifier | Represents the NativeNASKeySetIdentifier type |
CNasKeySetIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nasKeySetIdentifier field |
CTscNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the tsc field |
CNativePayloadContainerType | Represents the NativePayloadContainerType type |
►CNBN1ModeDRXParameters | Represents the NBN1ModeDRXParameters type |
CDrxValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the drxValue field |
►CNetworkName | Represents the NetworkName type |
CAddCountryInitialsNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the addCountryInitials field |
CCodingSchemeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the codingScheme field |
CSpareBitsInLastOctetNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the spareBitsInLastOctet field |
CNetworkSliceSpecificAuthentificationCommand | Represents the NetworkSliceSpecificAuthentificationCommand type |
CNetworkSliceSpecificAuthentificationComplete | Represents the NetworkSliceSpecificAuthentificationComplete type |
CNetworkSliceSpecificAuthentificationResult | Represents the NetworkSliceSpecificAuthentificationResult type |
►CNetworkSlicingIndication | Represents the NetworkSlicingIndication type |
CDcniNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the dcni field |
CNssciNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nssci field |
►CNon3GPPNWPolicies | Represents the Non3GPPNWPolicies type |
CN3enIndicatorNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the n3enIndicator field |
CNotification | Represents the Notification type |
CNotificationResponse | Represents the NotificationResponse type |
CNR | Represents the NR type |
CNRPosSIB | Represents the NRPosSIB type |
CNRPosSIBFlags | Represents the NRPosSIBFlags type |
CNSSAI | Represents the NSSAI type |
►CNSSAIInclusionModeContainer | Represents the NSSAIInclusionMode type |
CNssaiInclusionModeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the nssaiInclusionMode field |
CNTPTimeStamp | Represents the NTPTimeStamp type |
COperatorDefinedAccessCategoryDefinitions | Represents the OperatorDefinedAccessCategoryDefinitions type |
►COperatorDefinedAccessCategoryElement | Represents the OperatorDefinedAccessCategoryElement type |
►CValueType | Represents the type of the value field |
CPsacNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the psac field |
COperatorSpecific | Represents the OperatorSpecific type |
COperatorSpecificContainer | Represents the OperatorSpecificContainer type |
►COptionalIE | Represents the OptionalIE type |
CValueOfOptionalIEType | Represents the type of the valueOfOptionalIE field |
COSIdOSAppIdType | Represents the OSIdOSAppIdType type |
►CPacketFilter | Represents the PacketFilter type |
CContentsType | Represents the type of the contents field |
CPacketFilterDirectionNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the packetFilterDirection field |
►CPacketFilterComponent | Represents the PacketFilterComponent type |
CPacketFilterComponentTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the packetFilterComponentType field |
CPacketFilterComponentValueType | Represents the type of the packetFilterComponentValue field |
CPacketFilterComponentList | Represents the PacketFilterComponentList type |
CPacketFilterIdentifierContainer | Represents the PacketFilterIdentifier type |
CPacketFilterIdentifierList | Represents the PacketFilterIdentifierList type |
►CPacketFilterIdentifiersParameter | Represents the PacketFilterIdentifiers-parameter type |
CPacketFilterListType | Represents the type of the packetFilterList field |
CPacketFilterList | Represents the PacketFilterList type |
►CPacketFilterParameter | Represents the PacketFilter-parameter type |
CPacketFilterListType | Represents the type of the packetFilterList field |
CPacketFilterParameter0 | Represents the PacketFilter-parameter0 type |
►CPacketFilterParameter1 | Represents the PacketFilter-parameter1 type |
CPacketFilterListType | Represents the type of the packetFilterList field |
CPacketFilterParameter2 | Represents the PacketFilter-parameter2 type |
CPartialServiceArea | Represents the PartialServiceArea type |
►CPartialServiceType0 | Represents the PartialServiceType0 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
►CPartialServiceType1 | Represents the PartialServiceType1 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
►CPartialServiceType2 | Represents the PartialServiceType2 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
►CPartialServiceType3 | Represents the PartialServiceType3 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
CPayloadContainerEntryDL | Represents the PayloadContainerEntryDL type |
CPayloadContainerEntryUL | Represents the PayloadContainerEntryUL type |
CPayloadContainerType | Represents the PayloadContainerType type |
►CPDUAddress | Represents the PDUAddress type |
CPduAddressInformationType | Represents the type of the pduAddressInformation field |
CPduSessionTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the pduSessionType field |
CSI6LLANumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sI6LLA field |
CPDUAddressIpv4v6 | Represents the PDUAddress-ipv4v6 type |
►CPDUSession | Represents the PDUSession type |
CPduSessionValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the pduSessionValue field |
CPDUSessionAuthenticationCommand | Represents the PDUSessionAuthenticationCommand type |
CPDUSessionAuthenticationComplete | Represents the PDUSessionAuthenticationComplete type |
CPDUSessionAuthenticationResult | Represents the PDUSessionAuthenticationResult type |
CPDUSessionCause | Represents the PDUSessionCause type |
CPDUSessionEstablishmentAccept | Represents the PDUSessionEstablishmentAccept type |
CPDUSessionEstablishmentReject | Represents the PDUSessionEstablishmentReject type |
CPDUSessionEstablishmentRequest | Represents the PDUSessionEstablishmentRequest type |
CPDUSessionIdentity | Represents the PDUSessionIdentity type |
CPDUSessionModificationCommand | Represents the PDUSessionModificationCommand type |
CPDUSessionModificationCommandReject | Represents the PDUSessionModificationCommandReject type |
CPDUSessionModificationComplete | Represents the PDUSessionModificationComplete type |
CPDUSessionModificationReject | Represents the PDUSessionModificationReject type |
CPDUSessionModificationRequest | Represents the PDUSessionModificationRequest type |
CPDUSessionReactivationResultErrorCause | Represents the PDUSessionReactivationResultErrorCause type |
CPDUSessionReleaseCommand | Represents the PDUSessionReleaseCommand type |
CPDUSessionReleaseComplete | Represents the PDUSessionReleaseComplete type |
CPDUSessionReleaseReject | Represents the PDUSessionReleaseReject type |
CPDUSessionReleaseRequest | Represents the PDUSessionReleaseRequest type |
►CPDUSessionType | Represents the PDUSessionType type |
CPduSessionTypeValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the pduSessionTypeValue field |
CPFCFlowLabel | Represents the PFC-flowLabel type |
CPFCIpv4RemoteAddress | Represents the PFC-ipv4RemoteAddress type |
CPFCIpv6RemoteAddress | Represents the PFC-ipv6RemoteAddress type |
CPFCIpv6RemoteAddressPrefixLengthType | Represents the PFC-ipv6RemoteAddressPrefixLengthType type |
CPFCPcpDEIType | Represents the PFC-pcpDEIType type |
CPFCPortRange | Represents the PFC-portRange type |
CPFCTypeOfService | Represents the PFC-typeOfService type |
CPFCVidType | Represents the PFC-vidType type |
CPFIdentifier | Represents the PF-Identifier type |
►CPlain5GSNASMessage | Represents the Plain5GSNASMessage type |
CMessageBodyType | Represents the type of the messageBody field |
CPLMNList | Represents the PLMNList type |
►CPreferredAccess | Represents the PreferredAccess type |
CAccessTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the accessType field |
CProcedureTransactionIdentity | Represents the ProcedureTransactionIdentity type |
CProtocolAndContainerListNW | Represents the ProtocolAndContainerListNW type |
CProtocolAndContainerListUE | Represents the ProtocolAndContainerListUE type |
►CProtocolOrContainerNW | Represents the ProtocolOrContainerNW type |
CProtocolOrContainerIDNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the protocolOrContainerID field |
CProtocolOrContainerType | Represents the type of the protocolOrContainer field |
►CProtocolOrContainerUE | Represents the ProtocolOrContainerUE type |
CProtocolOrContainerIDNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the protocolOrContainerID field |
CProtocolOrContainerType | Represents the type of the protocolOrContainer field |
CQCI | Represents the QCI type |
CQFI | Represents the QFI type |
►CQoSFlowDescription | Represents the QoSFlowDescription type |
COperationCodeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the operationCode field |
CQosParametersType | Represents the type of the qosParameters field |
CQoSFlowDescriptions | Represents the QoSFlowDescriptions type |
►CQoSPacketFilter | Represents the QoSPacketFilter type |
CContentsType | Represents the type of the contents field |
CDirectionNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the direction field |
►CQoSPacketFilterComponent | Represents the QoSPacketFilterComponent type |
CPacketFilterComponentTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the packetFilterComponentType field |
CPacketFilterComponentValueType | Represents the type of the packetFilterComponentValue field |
CQoSPacketFilterComponentList | Represents the QoSPacketFilterComponentList type |
CQoSParameters | Represents the QoSParameters type |
CQoSParametersList | Represents the QoSParametersList type |
►CQoSRuleContainer | Represents the QoSRule type |
CQosRuleIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the qosRuleIdentifier field |
►CQosRuleType | Represents the type of the qosRule field |
CDqrNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the dqr field |
COperationCodeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the operationCode field |
CParameterType | Represents the type of the parameter field |
►CQoSRulesContainer | Represents the QoSRules type |
CQosRulesType | Represents the type of the qosRules field |
CQoSUnknownParameter | Represents the QoSUnknownParameter type |
►CReAttemptIndicator | Represents the ReAttemptIndicator type |
CEplmncNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the eplmnc field |
CRatcNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ratc field |
CRegistrationAccept | Represents the RegistrationAccept type |
CRegistrationComplete | Represents the RegistrationComplete type |
CRegistrationReject | Represents the RegistrationReject type |
CRegistrationRequest | Represents the RegistrationRequest type |
CRejectedNSSAI | Represents the RejectedNSSAI type |
►CRejectedSNSSAI | Represents the RejectedSNSSAI type |
CCauseValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the causeValue field |
CContentType | Represents the type of the content field |
►CReleaseAssistanceIndication | Represents the ReleaseAssistanceIndication type |
CDdxNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ddx field |
►CReleaseAssistanceIndication8 | Represents the ReleaseAssistanceIndication8 type |
CDdxNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ddx field |
►CRequestedUEPolicies | Represents the RequestedUEPolicies type |
CPc5IndicatorNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the pc5Indicator field |
CUuIndicatorNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the uuIndicator field |
►CRequestType | Represents the RequestType type |
CTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the type field |
CRequestType8 | Represents the RequestType8 type |
►CResultI | Represents the ResultI type |
CCauseNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the cause field |
►CRouteSelectionDescriptorComponent | Represents the RouteSelectionDescriptorComponent type |
CRouteSelectionTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the routeSelectionType field |
CRouteSelectionValueType | Represents the type of the routeSelectionValue field |
►CRouteSelectionDescriptorContainer | Represents the RouteSelectionDescriptor type |
CRouteSelectionDescriptorType | Represents the type of the routeSelectionDescriptor field |
CRouteSelectionDescriptorContents | Represents the RouteSelectionDescriptorContents type |
CRouteSelectionDescriptorList | Represents the RouteSelectionDescriptorList type |
►CS1UENetworkCapability | Represents the S1UENetworkCapability type |
►CCapabilityUmtsType | Represents the type of the capabilityUmts field |
►CCapabilityByte7Type | Represents the type of the capabilityByte7 field |
►CCapabilityByte8Type | Represents the type of the capabilityByte8 field |
CCapabilityByte9Type | Represents the type of the capabilityByte9 field |
CUcs2SupportNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ucs2Support field |
►CS1UESecurityCapability | Represents the S1UESecurityCapability type |
►CUmtsAlgorithmsType | Represents the type of the umtsAlgorithms field |
CGprsAlgorithmsType | Represents the type of the gprsAlgorithms field |
CSAC | Represents the SAC type |
CSD | Represents the SD type |
CSecurityHeaderType | Represents the SecurityHeaderType type |
CSecurityModeCommand | Represents the SecurityModeCommand type |
CSecurityModeComplete | Represents the SecurityModeComplete type |
CSecurityModeReject | Represents the SecurityModeReject type |
CSecurityProtected5GSNASMessage | Represents the SecurityProtected5GSNASMessage type |
CSegregationBit | Represents the SegregationBit type |
CServiceAccept | Represents the ServiceAccept type |
CServiceAreaList | Represents the ServiceAreaList type |
CServiceReject | Represents the ServiceReject type |
CServiceRequest | Represents the ServiceRequest type |
CServiceType | Represents the ServiceType type |
CSessionAMBR | Represents the SessionAMBR type |
►CSMSData | Represents the SMSData type |
CDataTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the dataType field |
►CSMSIndication | Represents the SMSIndication type |
CSaiNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sai field |
CSNSSAI | Represents the SNSSAI type |
CSNSSAIL | Represents the SNSSAIL type |
CSNSSAIType | Represents the SNSSAIType type |
CSORTransparentContainer | Represents the SORTransparentContainer type |
►CSORTransparentContainerType0 | Represents the SORTransparentContainerType0 type |
►CHeaderTypeBody | Represents the type of the header-type field |
CAckNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ack field |
CListIndicationNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the listIndication field |
CListTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the listType field |
CSorDataTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sorDataType field |
CListType | Represents the type of the list field |
►CSORTransparentContainerType1 | Represents the SORTransparentContainerType1 type |
►CHeaderTypeBody | Represents the type of the header-type field |
CSorDataTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sorDataType field |
►CSSCMode | Represents the SSCMode type |
CSscModeValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sscModeValue field |
►CSSCModeType | Represents the SSCModeType type |
CSscModeValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the sscModeValue field |
CSST | Represents the SST type |
CSSTAndMHPLMNSST | Represents the SSTAndMHPLMNSST type |
CSSTAndSD | Represents the SSTAndSD type |
►CSSTSD | Represents the SSTSD type |
CSstSDValueType | Represents the type of the sstSDValue field |
CHomeNetworkPublicKeyIdentifierType | Represents the type of the homeNetworkPublicKeyIdentifier field |
CProtectionSchemeIdNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the protectionSchemeId field |
CSchemeOutputType | Represents the type of the schemeOutput field |
►CSupportedCodec | Represents the SupportedCodec type |
CSystemIdentificationNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the systemIdentification field |
CSupportedCodecList | Represents the SupportedCodecList type |
CTAIListElement | Represents the TAIListElement type |
CTAIListElementTACList | Represents the TAIListElementTACList type The TrackingAreaCode class defines meaningful names for particular values of the element of the SEQUENCE OF |
►CTAIListElementType0 | Represents the TAIListElementType0 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
►CTAIListElementType1 | Represents the TAIListElementType1 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
►CTAIListElementType2 | Represents the TAIListElementType2 type |
CTypeOfListNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the typeOfList field |
CTAISubListElement | Represents the TAISubListElement type |
CTAISubListElementList | Represents the TAISubListElementList type |
CTFTPacketFilterIdentifier | Represents the TFTPacketFilterIdentifier type |
CTFTPacketFilterIdentifierList | Represents the TFTPacketFilterIdentifierList type |
►CTFTParameter | Represents the TFTParameter type |
CContentsType | Represents the type of the contents field |
CParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the parameterIdentifier field |
CTFTParameterFlowIdentifier | Represents the TFTParameter-flowIdentifier type |
CTFTParameterList | Represents the TFTParameterList type |
CTimeWindow | Represents the TimeWindow type |
CTimeZoneAndTime | Represents the TimeZoneAndTime type |
CTrackingAreaCode | Represents the TrackingAreaCode type |
CTrafficDescriptor | Represents the TrafficDescriptor type |
►CTrafficDescriptorComponent | Represents the TrafficDescriptorComponent type |
CTrafficDescriptorTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the trafficDescriptorType field |
CTrafficDescriptorValueType | Represents the type of the trafficDescriptorValue field |
►CTrafficFlowTemplate | Represents the TrafficFlowTemplate type |
CTftOperationCodeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the tftOperationCode field |
►CTrafficFlowTemplateParameters | Represents the TrafficFlowTemplate-parameters type |
CPacketFilterListType | Represents the type of the packetFilterList field |
►CTrafficFlowTemplatesParameter | Represents the TrafficFlowTemplatesParameter type |
CEpsParameterContentsType | Represents the type of the epsParameterContents field |
CEpsParameterIdentifierNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the epsParameterIdentifier field |
►CTruncated5GSTMSIConfiguration | Represents the Truncated5GSTMSIConfiguration type |
CLsbAMFPointerNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the lsbAMFPointer field |
CLsbAMFSetIDNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the lsbAMFSetID field |
CUEOSId | Represents the UEOSId type |
►CUEParametersUpdateElement | Represents the UEParametersUpdateElement type |
CUeParametersUpdateDataSetType | Represents the type of the ueParametersUpdateDataSet field |
CUpdateDataSetTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the updateDataSetType field |
►CUEParametersUpdateTransparentContainer0 | Represents the UEParametersUpdateTransparentContainer0 type |
►CUeParametersUpdateHeaderType | Represents the type of the ueParametersUpdateHeader field |
CAckNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the ack field |
CRegNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the reg field |
CUeParametersUpdateListType | Represents the type of the ueParametersUpdateList field |
►CUEParametersUpdateTransparentContainer1 | Represents the UEParametersUpdateTransparentContainer1 type |
CUeParametersUpdateHeaderType | Represents the type of the ueParametersUpdateHeader field |
►CUEPolicyClassmark | Represents the UEPolicyClassmark type |
CSupportANDSPNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the supportANDSP field |
CUEPolicyDeliveryServiceMessageType | Represents the UEPolicyDeliveryServiceMessageType type |
►CUEPolicyInstruction | Represents the UEPolicyInstruction type |
CInstructionType | Represents the type of the instruction field |
CUEPolicyManagementMessage | Represents the UEPolicyManagementMessage type |
CUEPolicyManagementMessageCodec | UEPolicyManagementMessageCodec can
►CUEPolicyPartContainer | Represents the UEPolicyPart type |
►CUePolicyPartTypeContainer | Represents the type of the uePolicyPart field |
CUePolicyPartContentsType | Represents the type of the uePolicyPartContents field |
CUePolicyPartTypeNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the uePolicyPartType field |
CUEPolicyProvisioningReject | Represents the UEPolicyProvisioningReject type |
CUEPolicyProvisioningRequest | Represents the UEPolicyProvisioningRequest type |
CUEPolicySectionContents | Represents the UEPolicySectionContents type |
CUEPolicySectionManagementList | Represents the UEPolicySectionManagementList type |
CUEPolicySectionManagementResult | Represents the UEPolicySectionManagementResult type |
►CUEPolicySectionManagementSublistContainer | Represents the UEPolicySectionManagementSublist type |
CUePolicySectionManagementSublistType | Represents the type of the uePolicySectionManagementSublist field |
CUEPolicySectionManagementSublistContents | Represents the UEPolicySectionManagementSublistContents type |
CUEPolicySectionManagementSubresult | Represents the UEPolicySectionManagementSubresult type |
CUEPolicySectionManagementSubresultContents | Represents the UEPolicySectionManagementSubresultContents type |
►CUERadioCapabilityIDDeletionIndication | Represents the UERadioCapabilityIDDeletionIndication type |
CDeletionRequestNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the deletionRequest field |
►CUESecurityCapability | Represents the UESecurityCapability type |
CEpsAlgorithmsType | Represents the type of the epsAlgorithms field |
CUEStateIndication | Represents the UEStateIndication type |
►CUEStatus | Represents the UEStatus type |
CN1ModeRegNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the n1ModeReg field |
CS1ModeRegNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the s1ModeReg field |
►CUEsUsageSettingContainer | Represents the UEsUsageSetting type |
CUesUsageSettingNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the uesUsageSetting field |
►CULNASTransport | Represents the ULNASTransport type |
CPayloadContainerBody | Represents the type of the payloadContainer field |
CUmtsEncryptionAlgorithmsSupported | Represents the UmtsEncryptionAlgorithmsSupported type |
CUmtsIdentityAlgorithmsSupported | Represents the UmtsIdentityAlgorithmsSupported type |
CUnitForBitRate | Represents the UnitForBitRate type |
CUnitForExtendedAPNAMBRF | Represents the UnitForExtendedAPNAMBRF type |
CUPDSCause | Represents the UPDSCause type |
CUPSIList | Represents the UPSIList type |
►CUPSISublistContainer | Represents the UPSISublist type |
CUpsiSublistType | Represents the type of the upsiSublist field |
CUPSISublistContents | Represents the UPSISublistContents type |
CURSP | Represents the URSP type |
►CURSPRuleContainer | Represents the URSPRule type |
CUrspRuleType | Represents the type of the urspRule field |
CValidityStartTime | Represents the ValidityStartTime type |
CWUSAssistanceInformation | Represents the WUSAssistanceInformation type |
►CWUSAssistanceInformationType | Represents the WUSAssistanceInformationType type |
CUePagingProbabilityInformationValueNumbers | Defines meaningful names for particular values of the uePagingProbabilityInformationValue field |