Inherits Choice.
enum | Id {
Unselected = 0,
AttachRequestChosen = 1,
AttachAcceptChosen = 2,
AttachCompleteChosen = 3,
AttachRejectChosen = 4,
DetachRequestChosen = 5,
DetachAcceptChosen = 6,
TrackingAreaUpdateRequestChosen = 7,
TrackingAreaUpdateAcceptChosen = 8,
TrackingAreaUpdateCompleteChosen = 9,
TrackingAreaUpdateRejectChosen = 10,
ExtendedServiceRequestChosen = 11,
ControlPlaneServiceRequestChosen = 12,
ServiceRejectChosen = 13,
ServiceAcceptChosen = 14,
GutiReallocationCommandChosen = 15,
GutiReallocationCompleteChosen = 16,
AuthenticationRequestChosen = 17,
AuthenticationResponseChosen = 18,
AuthenticationRejectChosen = 19,
AuthenticationFailureChosen = 20,
IdentityRequestChosen = 21,
IdentityResponseChosen = 22,
SecurityModeCommandChosen = 23,
SecurityModeCompleteChosen = 24,
SecurityModeRejectChosen = 25,
EmmStatusChosen = 26,
EmmInformationChosen = 27,
DownlinkNASTransportChosen = 28,
UplinkNASTransportChosen = 29,
CsServiceNotificationChosen = 30,
DownlinkGenericNASTransportChosen = 31,
UplinkGenericNASTransportChosen = 32
} |
| CHOICE alternatives More...
Id | Selected [get] |
| Gets current selection More...
Oss.Nas1670.AttachRequest? | AttachRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'attachRequest' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.AttachAccept? | AttachAccept [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'attachAccept' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.AttachComplete? | AttachComplete [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'attachComplete' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.AttachReject? | AttachReject [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'attachReject' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.DetachRequest? | DetachRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'detachRequest' alternative. More...
byte??? | DetachAccept [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'detachAccept' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.TrackingAreaUpdateRequest? | TrackingAreaUpdateRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'trackingAreaUpdateRequest' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.TrackingAreaUpdateAccept? | TrackingAreaUpdateAccept [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'trackingAreaUpdateAccept' alternative. More...
byte??? | TrackingAreaUpdateComplete [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'trackingAreaUpdateComplete' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.TrackingAreaUpdateReject? | TrackingAreaUpdateReject [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'trackingAreaUpdateReject' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.ExtendedServiceRequest? | ExtendedServiceRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'extendedServiceRequest' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.ControlPlaneServiceRequest? | ControlPlaneServiceRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'controlPlaneServiceRequest' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.ServiceReject? | ServiceReject [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'serviceReject' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.ServiceAccept? | ServiceAccept [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'serviceAccept' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.GUTIReallocationCommand? | GutiReallocationCommand [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'gutiReallocationCommand' alternative. More...
byte??? | GutiReallocationComplete [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'gutiReallocationComplete' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.AuthenticationRequest? | AuthenticationRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'authenticationRequest' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.AuthenticationResponse? | AuthenticationResponse [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'authenticationResponse' alternative. More...
byte??? | AuthenticationReject [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'authenticationReject' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.AuthenticationFailure? | AuthenticationFailure [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'authenticationFailure' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.IdentityRequest? | IdentityRequest [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'identityRequest' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.IdentityResponse? | IdentityResponse [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'identityResponse' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.SecurityModeCommand? | SecurityModeCommand [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'securityModeCommand' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.SecurityModeComplete? | SecurityModeComplete [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'securityModeComplete' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.SecurityModeReject? | SecurityModeReject [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'securityModeReject' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.EMMStatus? | EmmStatus [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'emmStatus' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.EMMInformation? | EmmInformation [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'emmInformation' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.DownlinkNASTransport? | DownlinkNASTransport [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'downlinkNASTransport' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.UplinkNASTransport? | UplinkNASTransport [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'uplinkNASTransport' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.CSServiceNotification? | CsServiceNotification [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'csServiceNotification' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.DownlinkGenericNASTransport? | DownlinkGenericNASTransport [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'downlinkGenericNASTransport' alternative. More...
Oss.Nas1670.UplinkGenericNASTransport? | UplinkGenericNASTransport [get, set] |
| Gets or selects the 'uplinkGenericNASTransport' alternative. More...
Represents the type of the body