OSS NAS Tools for C# for 5G for 3GPP Release 16.8.0
Oss.Nas5GS1680.NAS5GMMCause Class Reference

Represents the NAS5GMMCause type More...

Static Public Attributes

const int IllegalUE = 3
const int PeiNotAccepted = 5
const int IllegalME = 6
const int Nas5GSServicesNotAllowed = 7
const int UeIdentityCannotBeDerivedByTheNetwork = 9
const int ImplicitlyDeRegistered = 10
const int PlmnNotAllowed = 11
const int TrackingAreaNotAllowed = 12
const int RoamingNotAllowedInThisTrackingArea = 13
const int NoSuitableCellsInTrackingArea = 15
const int MacFailure = 20
const int SynchFailure = 21
const int Congestion = 22
const int UeSecurityCapabilitiesMismatch = 23
const int SecurityModeRejectedUnspecified = 24
const int Non5GAuthenticationUnacceptable = 26
const int N1ModeNotAllowed = 27
const int RestrictedServiceArea = 28
const int RedirectionToEPCRequired = 31
const int LadnNotAvailable = 43
const int NoNetworkSlicesAvailable = 62
const int MaximumNumberOfPDUSessionsReached = 65
const int InsufficientResourcesForSpecificSliceAndDNN = 67
const int InsufficientResourcesForSpecificSlice = 69
const int NgKSIAlreadyInUse = 71
const int Non3GPPAccessTo5GCNNotAllowed = 72
const int ServingNetworkNotAuthorized = 73
const int TemporarilyNotAuthorizedForThisSNPN = 74
const int PermanentlyNotAuthorizedForThisSNPN = 75
const int NotAuthorizedForThisCAGOrAuthorizedForCAGCellsOnly = 76
const int WirelineAccessAreaNotAllowed = 77
const int PayloadWasNotForwarded = 90
const int DnnNotSupportedOrNotSubscribedInTheSlice = 91
const int InsufficientUserPlaneResourcesForThePDUSession = 92
const int SemanticallyIncorrectMessage = 95
const int InvalidMandatoryInformation = 96
const int MessageTypeNonExistentOrNotImplemented = 97
const int MessageTypeNotCompatibleWithTheProtocolState = 98
const int InformationElementNonExistentOrNotImplemented = 99
const int ConditionalIEError = 100
const int MessageNotCompatibleWithTheProtocolState = 101
const int ProtocolErrorUnspecified = 111

Detailed Description

Represents the NAS5GMMCause type