OSS NAS Tools for C# for LTE/EPC for 3GPP Release 16.7.0
Oss.Nas1670.SSCode Class Reference

Represents the SSCode type More...

Static Public Attributes

const int AllSS = 0
const int AllLineIdentificationSS = 16
const int Clip = 17
const int Clir = 18
const int Colp = 19
const int Colr = 20
const int Mci = 21
const int AllNameIdentificationSS = 24
const int Cnap = 25
const int AllForwardingSS = 32
const int Cfu = 33
const int AllCondForwardingSS = 40
const int Cfb = 41
const int Cfnry = 42
const int Cfnrc = 43
const int Cd = 36
const int AllCallOfferingSS = 48
const int Ect = 49
const int Mah = 50
const int AllCallCompletionSS = 64
const int Cw = 65
const int Hold = 66
const int CcbsA = 67
const int CcbsB = 68
const int Mc = 69
const int AllMultiPartySS = 80
const int MultiPTY = 81
const int AllCommunityOfInterestSS = 96
const int Cug = 97
const int AllChargingSS = 112
const int Aoci = 113
const int Aocc = 114
const int AllAdditionalInfoTransferSS = 128
const int Uus1 = 129
const int Uus2 = 130
const int Uus3 = 131
const int AllBarringSS = 144
const int BarringOfOutgoingCalls = 145
const int Baoc = 146
const int Boic = 147
const int BoicExHC = 148
const int BarringOfIncomingCalls = 153
const int Baic = 154
const int BicRoam = 155
const int AllPLMNSpecificSS = 240
const int PlmnSpecificSS1 = 241
const int PlmnSpecificSS2 = 242
const int PlmnSpecificSS3 = 243
const int PlmnSpecificSS4 = 244
const int PlmnSpecificSS5 = 245
const int PlmnSpecificSS6 = 246
const int PlmnSpecificSS7 = 247
const int PlmnSpecificSS8 = 248
const int PlmnSpecificSS9 = 249
const int PlmnSpecificSSA = 250
const int PlmnSpecificSSB = 251
const int PlmnSpecificSSC = 252
const int PlmnSpecificSSD = 253
const int PlmnSpecificSSE = 254
const int PlmnSpecificSSF = 255
const int AllCallPrioritySS = 160
const int Emlpp = 161
const int AllLCSPrivacyException = 176
const int Universal = 177
const int CallSessionRelated = 178
const int CallSessionUnrelated = 179
const int Plmnoperator = 180
const int ServiceType = 181
const int AllMOLRSS = 196
const int BasicSelfLocation = 197
const int AutonomousSelfLocation = 198
const int TransferToThirdParty = 199

Detailed Description

Represents the SSCode type