Command-Line Invocation

Applies to: NAS-1Step 5G r16.12.0 v8.4.0

When the NAS-1Step application is invoked from the command line, you can provide the name of a project file optionally followed by the name of an encoded message file that belongs to that project.

The syntax is the following:

appfilename [project [/e:encodedmessage /o:originator]]

appfilename ::= [drive:][path]filename of the NAS-1Step executable file.

project ::= [drive:][path]filename of a project file.

encodedmessage ::= [drive:][path]filename of an encoded message file.

originator ::= "1" | "2"

If a project file is specified in the command line, the application will attempt to open it.

If both a project file and an encoded message file are specified, the application will first check that the encoded message file belongs to the project. If originator = 1, the message file must belong to the Encoded Messages (UE-Originating) file group. If originator = 2, the message file must belong to the Encoded Messages (Network-Originating) file group. If these conditions are met, the application will attempt to open the specified encoded message in the message viewer/editor.


NAS-1Step  example.nasproj

Launches the application and opens the example.nasproj project.

NAS-1Step example.nasproj /e:message032.nas /o:1

Launches the application and opens the example.nasproj project as well as the message032.nas encoded message that belongs to the Encoded Messages (UE-Originating) file group of that project.

This documentation applies to NAS-1Step for 5G v8.4.0 for 3GPP Release 16.12.0.

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