C++ Representation: Translation Rules

Applies to: ASN.1/C++ v7.3-7.3.1

When an ASN.1 specification is processed by the ASN.1/C++ Compiler, C++ code is created that contains C++ representations of the ASN.1 types in the specification. The rules used to create these representations follow, with examples.

  1. A typedef is generated for each simple type reference that can be represented by a primitive C++ type.
    ASN.1 C++
    Age  ::= INTEGER
    typedef OSS_INT32 Age;
  2. A typedef is generated for each type reference that can be represented by an ASN.1/C++ runtime class.
    ASN.1 C++
    Text ::= IA5String
    typedef OssString Text;
  3. A class is generated for each constructed type (SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE, SEQUENCE OF, or SET OF) that contains the accessors and mutators required by the type components.
    ASN.1 C++
    Personal ::= SEQUENCE {
        married  BOOLEAN,
        age      INTEGER,
        weight   INTEGER OPTIONAL,
        name     IA5String DEFAULT "No name"
    class OSS_PUBLIC Personal   /* SEQUENCE */
        void * operator new(size_t size);
        void operator delete(void *ptr);
        typedef ossBoolean married;
        typedef OSS_INT32 age;
        typedef OSS_INT32 weight;
        typedef OssString name;
        static const name & default_name;
        static const name& get_default_name();
        Personal(const Personal &);
        Personal(married, age, weight, const name &);
        Personal(married, age);
        Personal & operator = (const Personal &);
        int operator == (const Personal &) const;
        int operator != (const Personal &) const;
        married & get_married();
        married get_married() const;
        void set_married(married);
        age & get_age();
        age get_age() const;
        void set_age(age);
        weight *get_weight();
        const weight *get_weight() const;
        void set_weight(weight);
        int weight_is_present() const;
        void omit_weight();
        name *get_name();
        const name *get_name() const;
        void set_name(const name &);
        int name_is_default() const;
        void set_default_name();
        OSS_UINT32 bit_mask;
        married married_field;
        age age_field;
        weight weight_field;
        name name_field;
  4. Additional methods to transfer ownership are generated for elements of constructed types that have --<POINTER>-- directives applied. Using these methods, you can access or modify an element without a deep copy of the element's information.
    ASN.1 C++
    Personal ::= SEQUENCE {
        married  BOOLEAN,
        age      INTEGER,
        name     IA5String --<POINTER>--
    class OSS_PUBLIC Personal   /* SEQUENCE */
        void * operator new(size_t size);
        void operator delete(void *ptr);
        typedef ossBoolean married;
        typedef OSS_INT32 age;
        typedef OssString name;
        Personal(const Personal &);
        Personal(married, age, const name &);
        Personal(married, age, name *);
        Personal & operator = (const Personal &);
        int operator == (const Personal &) const;
        int operator != (const Personal &) const;
        married & get_married();
        married get_married() const;
        void set_married(married);
        age & get_age();
        age get_age() const;
        void set_age(age);
        name & get_name();
        const name & get_name() const;
        void set_name(const name &);
        void set_name(name *);
        name *release_name();
        married married_field;
        age age_field;
        name *name_field;
  5. An additional set of accessor/mutator methods is generated when a SET/SEQUENCE/CHOICE type is extensible and the -relaySafe compiler option is specified. Use these methods to get unknown extension additions (probably from a later protocol version) in unencoded form to edit or delete as needed. If -relaySafe is not specified, the extra methods are not generated.
    ASN.1 C++
    Personal ::= SEQUENCE {
        married   BOOLEAN,
        age      INTEGER,
    C++ (generated with the -relaySafe compiler option)
    class OSS_PUBLIC Personal   /* SEQUENCE */
        void * operator new(size_t size);
        void operator delete(void *ptr);
        typedef ossBoolean married;
        typedef OSS_INT32 age;
        Personal(const Personal &);
        Personal(married, age);
        Personal & operator = (const Personal &);
        int operator == (const Personal &) const;
        int operator != (const Personal &) const;
        married & get_married();
        married get_married() const;
        void set_married(married);
        age & get_age();
        age get_age() const;
        void set_age(age);
        OssExtensions *get_UnknownExt();
        const OssExtensions *get_UnknownExt() const;
        void set_UnknownExt(const OssExtensions &);
        int UnknownExt_is_present() const;
        void omit_UnknownExt();
        married married_field;
        age age_field;
        OssExtensions *ossUnknownExt_field;
  6. A handler class is generated for each PDU type that can be used on its representation class to encode, decode, print, and so on.
    ASN.1 C++
    Personal ::= CHOICE {
        married   BOOLEAN,
        age      INTEGER
    } --<PDU>--
    class OSS_PUBLIC Personal  : public OssChoice   /* CHOICE */
        . . .
    class OSS_PUBLIC Personal_PDU : public ConcretePDU {
        void set_data(Personal &);
        Personal *get_data() const;
        . . .
        OssTypeIndex get_index() const;
  7. A universal handler class is generated that can be used on any PDU type defined in the specification to encode, decode, print, and so on.
    ASN.1 C++
    ASN.1 (sample.asn)
        A ::= INTEGER
        B ::= IA5String
    /* Representation types */
    typedef OSS_INT32 A;
    typedef OssString B;
    /* Universal PDU class */
    class OSS_PUBLIC sample_PDU : public UniversalPDU {
        void set_A(A &);
        A *get_A() const;
        void set_B(B &);
        B *get_B() const;
        . . .
    /* Specific PDU classes */
    class OSS_PUBLIC A_PDU : public ConcretePDU {
        . . .
    class OSS_PUBLIC B_PDU : public ConcretePDU {
        . . .
  8. A control class is generated for use with specification-defined objects in various operations. See <projectname>_Control for more details.
  9. For each value reference, the ASN.1/C++ Compiler generates an initialized const reference to an initialized C++ object that contains the same value. The object that name references is initialized to "John Smith" in the compiler-generated code.
    ASN.1 C++
    NAME ::= IA5String
    name NAME ::= "John Smith"
    typedef OssString NAME;
        . . .
    extern OSS_PUBLIC const OssString& name;
  10. When the generated value is of any C++ integer or enumerated type, the constant is generated completely in the header. The generated constants can then be used as case labels in a switch statement.
    ASN.1 C++
    value INT ::= 777
    typedef OSS_INT32 INT;
        . . .
    const OSS_INT32 value = 777;

This documentation applies to release 7.3 and later of the OSS® ASN.1 Tools for C++.

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