The ASN.1 OCTET STRING type contains arbitrary strings of octets. This type is very similar to BIT STRING, except that all values must be an integral number of eight bits. You can use constraints to specify a maximum length for an OCTET STRING type.
TransparentType ::= OCTET STRING BinaryFile ::= OCTET STRING
An OCTET STRING value can be expressed as either a binary string or a hexadecimal string:
eightBitBytes1 OCTET STRING ::= 'A24F'H eightBitBytes2 OCTET STRING ::= '1010001001001111'B
Str1 ::= OCTET STRING eightBitBytes1 Str1 ::= 'A24F'H
In BER, the OCTET STRING type value defined in the example above is encoded as follows:
04 02 A24F
The OCTET STRING type value defined in the following example:
longString OCTET STRING ::= '00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'H
is BER-encoded as follows:
24 80 04 08 0011223344556677 04 08 8899AABBCCDDEEFF 00 00
The OCTET STRING type can be constrained by a single value, by type inclusion, by size, and by contents constraints.