XSD Tools for Java - Enhancement History
OSS XSD Tools for Java - version 1.1 (latest version)
- A new command line option -microedition has been added to the XSD for Java compiler. The option instructs the compiler to generate Java classes compatible with the J2ME CLDC 1.1 platform. The generated Java classes can be used with ossxmicro.jar, a new J2ME CLDC 1.1 compatible runtime jar. With the introduction of this new feature, the OSS XSD Tools for Java can be used in resource constrained environments.
- The XSD Tools for Java now support CER (Canonical Encoding Rules). A new compiler command-line option -cer is now available. The -cer option instructs the XSD compiler to make the Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) available at runtime. This option is similar to the -ber/-der/-per/-uper/-xml options in that it allows the associated set of encoding methods to be available to the encoder/decoder during runtime.
- A new 'Coder' class, com.oss.xsd.CERCoder, has also been added to support the Canonical Encoding Rules (CER). To use this new class, simply compile your XSD specification with the -ceroption specified. Then the generated project class will include a getCERCoder() method that can be used to retrieve an instance of CERCoder.